OGame 한국어 위키


대부분의 함선은 이 특성을 지닌다. 래피드 파이어는 전투에 영향을 끼친다.

여러분은 기술이나 쉽야드 메뉴에서 함선의 래피드 파이어 특성을 체크할 수 있다. 만약 어떤 배가 그 특성을 가지고 있다면, 그 내용은 배와 숫자로 구성된다. 숫자는 유니트가 한 라운드안에 명시된 타입의 함선에 공격할 수 있는 평균 숫자이다. 이것은 이해하기 조금 어렵기 때문에, 예제를 통해 이해하는 것이 좋다.

크루저는 로켓시스템에 대해 10의 래피드파이어를 가지고 있다. 만약 우리가 크루저를 2개의 로켓시스템과 1개의 레이저(약)를 가지고 있는 행성으로 발진시켰다고 하자. 각각의 방어시설은 크루저를 한번씩 공격한다. 왜냐하면 그것이 유일한 공격자이기 때문이다. 그리고 크루저는 랜덤으로 목표를 정하게 된다. 만약 크루저가 로켓시스템을 선택했다면 크루저는 일반적인 공격을 수행한다. 로켓시스템이 파괴되면, 크루저에 래피드파이어가 있기 때문에, 그것은 또 다른 공격을 할 수 있을지를 확률에 따라 결정을 하게 된다. 만약 그 결정에서 공격을 할 수 있는 것으로 된다면, 크루저는 한번 더 공격을 할 수 으며, 이때 새로운 다른 목표를 정한다. 만약 이번에 레이저(약)을 선택했다면 레피드 파이어를 가지고 있지 않기 때문에, 크루저는 공격을 더이상 하지 않고 중단한다.


어떤 함선이 재공격을 할지 여부는 그 함선이 공격 목표에 대해 래피드 파이어를 가지고 있는가에 달려 있다.

래피드 파이어와 재공격의 확률 사이의 관계는 이다.(r은 레피드 파이어)

따라서 카르고화물선(소)가 정찰위성을 공격할 경우 = = = 80% 의 확률을 가진다.

여기 모든 배의 래피드파이어와 목표를 파괴한 경우의 재공격 확률이 나와 있다.

Rapidfire Comparisons[]

다음에 대해 래피드파이어를 가짐: 정찰위성 태양열인공위성 카고(소) 카고(대) 전투기 파이터 크루저 전투함 이민선 하비스터 폭격기 파괴자 데드스타 - 로켓시스템 레이저(약) 레이저(강) 이온캐논 가우스캐논 플라즈마캐논
카고(소) 5 5 -
카고(대) 5 5 -
전투기 5 5 -
파이터 5 5 -
크루저 5 5 3 - 10
전투함 5 5 -
이민선 5 5 -
하비스터 5 5 -
폭격기 5 5 - 20 20 10 10
파괴자 5 5 - 10
데드스타 1250 1250 250 250 200 100 33 30 250 250 25 5 - 200 200 100 100 50

Small Cargo Ship[]

Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 250 (99.6% Chance)

Large Cargo Ship[]

Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 250 (99.6% Chance)

Light Fighter[]

Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Cruiser against this Ship Type: 3 (66.6% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 200 (99.5% Chance)

Heavy Fighter[]

Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 100 (99% Chance)


Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Light Fighter: 3 (66.6% Chance)
Rapidfire against Missile Launcher: 10 (90% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 33 (97% Chance)

Battle Ship[]

Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 30 (96.6% Chance)

Colony Ship[]

Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 250 (99.6% Chance)


Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 250 (99.6% Chance)

Espionage Probe[]

Rapidfire of Small Cargo Ship against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Large Cargo Ship against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Light Fighter against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Heavy Fighter against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Cruiser against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Battle Ship against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Colony Ship against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Recycler against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Bomber against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Destroyer against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 1250 (99.92% Chance)


Rapidfire against Espionage Probes: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Missile Launcher: 20 (95% Chance)
Rapidfire against Small Laser: 20 (95% Chance)
Rapidfire against Heavy Laser: 10 (90% Chance)
Rapidfire against Ion Cannon: 10 (90% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 25 (96% Chance)

Solar Satellite[]

Rapidfire of Small Cargo Ship against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Large Cargo Ship against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Light Fighter against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Heavy Fighter against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Cruiser against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Battle Ship against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Colony Ship against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Recycler against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Bomber against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Destroyer against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 1250 (99.92% Chance)


Rapidfire against Espionage Probes: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Small Laser: 10 (90% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Ship Type: 5 (80% Chance)

Death Star[]

Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 1250 (99.92% Chance)
Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 1250 (99.92% Chance)
Rapidfire against Small Cargo Ship: 250 (99.6% Chance)
Rapidfire against Large Cargo Ship: 250 (99.6% Chance)
Rapidfire against Light Fighter: 200 (99.5% Chance)
Rapidfire against Heavy Fighter: 100 (99% Chance)
Rapidfire against Cruiser: 33 (97% Chance)
Rapidfire against Battle Ship: 30 (96.6% Chance)
Rapidfire against Colony Ship: 250 (99.6% Chance)
Rapidfire against Recycler: 250 (99.6% Chance)
Rapidfire against Bomber: 25 (96% Chance)
Rapidfire against Destroyer: 5 (80% Chance)
Rapidfire against Missile Launcher: 200 (99.5% Chance)
Rapidfire against Small Laser: 200 (99.5% Chance)
Rapidfire against Heavy Laser: 100 (99% Chance)
Rapidfire against Ion Cannon: 100 (99% Chance)
Rapidfire against Gauss Cannon: 50 (98% Chance)

Missile Launcher[]

Rapidfire of Cruiser against this Defence: 10 (90% Chance)
Rapidfire of Bomber against this Defence: 20 (95% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Defence: 200 (99.5% Chance)

Small Laser[]

Rapidfire of Bomber against this Defence: 20 (95% Chance)
Rapidfire of Destroyer against this Defence: 10 (90% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Defence: 200 (99.95% Chance)

Heavy Laser[]

Rapidfire of Bomber against this Defence: 10 (90% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Defence: 100 (99% Chance)

Ion Cannon[]

Rapidfire of Bomber against this Defence: 10 (90% Chance)
Rapidfire of Death Star against this Defence: 100 (99% Chance)

Gauss Cannon[]

Rapidfire of Death Star against this Defence: 50 (98% Chance)
