OGame Wiki
Base Cost
Metal: 0
Crystal: 4,000
Deuterium: 2,000
Energy: 0
Hyperspace Technology

Hyperspace technology allows research into propulsion systems that power much larger ships and also allows for much faster travel with better fuel efficiency. Each level of Hyperspace technology also increases cargo capacity by 5%.

In-game Description[]

In theory, the idea of hyperspace travel relies on the existence of a separate and adjacent dimension. When activated, a hyperspace drive shunts the starship into this other dimension, where it can cover vast distances in an amount of time greatly reduced from the time it would take in "normal" space. Once it reaches the point in hyperspace that corresponds to its destination in real space, it re-emerges. Once a sufficient level of Hyperspace Technology is researched, the Hyperspace Drive is no longer just a theory.


Prerequisite For[]

Level Table[]

Upgrade Cost Cost of Sum
Level Metal Crystal Deuterium Metal Crystal Deuterium
1 0 4,000 2,000 0 4,000 2,000
2 0 8,000 4,000 0 12,000 6,000
3 0 16,000 8,000 0 28,000 14,000
4 0 32,000 16,000 0 60,000 30,000
5 0 64,000 32,000 0 124,000 62,000
6 0 128,000 64,000 0 252,000 126,000
7 0 256,000 128,000 0 508,000 254,000
8 0 512,000 256,000 0 1,020,000 510,000
9 0 1,024,000 512,000 0 2,044,000 1,022,000
10 0 2,048,000 1,024,000 0 4,092,000 2,046,000
11 0 4,096,000 2,048,000 0 8,188,000 4,094,000
12 0 8,192,000 4,096,000 0 16,380,000 8,190,000
Technology / Research
Basic Research Energy TechnologyLaser TechnologyIon TechnologyHyperspace TechnologyPlasma Technology
Drive Research Combustion DriveImpulse DriveHyperspace Drive
Advanced Research Espionage TechnologyComputer TechnologyAstrophysicsIntergalactic Research NetworkGraviton Technology
Combat Research Weapons TechnologyShielding TechnologyArmour Technology